- Renée E. Tanner, M.Ed., LCPAA, LCCA, CYC-A
[Renee Tanner Bio]
- Rowena P. Dipasupil, MA, LBSW, CCBT, LCPAA, LCCA, CYC-A
Senior Administrator of Social Services
[Rowena P. Dipasupil Bio]
- Mario Ramirez, BSW, LCPAA, LCCA, CYC-A
Senior Administrator of Residential Services
[Mario Ramirez Bio]
- Jesus Reyes
[Jesus Reyes Bio]
- Victoria Molinar
Community Relations/Development Coordinator
[Victoria Molinar Bio]
Staff/volunteer picture from our 21st Annual Operation Pumpkin
Staff Directory
Intake—Claudia Quiñones, 915.544.8777, ext. 248, cquinones@leemoor.org
Child Care Services—Mario Ramirez, 915.544.8777, ext. 224, mramirez@leemoor.org
Foster Care Services—Rowena Dipasupil, 915.544.8777, ext. 232, rpdipasupil@leemoor.org
Unplanned Pregnancy Counseling—Rowena Dipasupil, 915.544.8777, ext. 232, rpdipasupil@leemoor.org
Adoptions/Post-Adoptive Services—Rowena Dipasupil, 915.544.8777, ext. 232, rpdipasupil@leemoor.org
Human Resources—Renee Tanner, 915.544.8777, ext. 235, rtanner@leemoor.org
Donations/Gifts—Victoria G. Molinar, 915.544.8777, ext. 219, vmolinar@leemoor.org
Business Office—Renee Tanner, 915.544.8777, ext. 235, rtanner@leemoor.org
Tours, Speakers and Community Outreach—Victoria G, Molinar, 915.544.8777, ext. 219, vmolinar@leemoor.org
General inquiries: Please call 915-544-8777.