
Border Patrol Explorers Program

We were honored to have both agents and students with the Border Patrol Explorers Program, Explorer Post 881, on campus In June for an information session and tour. Students, many in similar situations as our LBMCH children are from Ft. Hancock and not only wanted to learn more about our

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A Special Birthday Celebration!

Juice Tollette, a new friend to Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s Home chose to celebrate his birthday in a very special way this year. Juice was on campus this week to speak to the children about giving back to the community and offering a helping hand to those around you,

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Graduation 2018

Monday, June 4, 2018, the LBMCH staff were proud to sit with families and friends to witness the graduation of five Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s Home children. Hearts swelled with pride and eyes filled with tears as we watched these children walk the stage and receive their diplomas. According

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Around Campus, January – March 2018

Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s Home has 80 children currently enrolled in its programs and those children keep the staff busy! A very special “Thank You” to all of our community partners that helped out on campus during our the 1st quarter of 2018. From keeping the kids entertained to

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