Our Success Stories

At Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s home, we have many success stories; too many to count. But some have touched our heart in a very special way, and these we would like to share with you.


Jake’s Story

When Jake came to live at Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s Home nearly two years ago, he was just starting middle school. He was teased by peers because he didn’t wear the best clothing and sometimes hadn’t showered… [read more]


Andrea’s Story

Life is not easy for a 16-year-old girl and Andrea’s was a real struggle. Prior to coming to LBMCH, Andrea was truly homeless, with nowhere to go… [read more]


Paula’s Story

When Paula arrived in our program, her family was homeless and living in a car. Her initial adaptation to the Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s Home program… [read more]