The Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s Home is a gift to the children of El Paso from the late Lee and Beulah Moor. The first children came to live at the Home in December 1959. Since that time, the lives of thousands of children and their families have been impacted by its services. The Home is licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services as a General Residential Operation and Child Placing Agency. It is a member of the Texas Coalition of Homes for Children and the Southwest Association of Homes for Children. The Home and its programs and services continue to evolve to meet the needs of the region’s children and families.


Lee & Beulah Moor Leave Legacy Of Helping Others

The Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s Home is the fulfillment of a dream—and a legacy. Mr. Lee Moor and his beloved wife Beulah wanted to provide hope for children who have few or no opportunities. They wanted to provide a safe haven for children experiencing difficult situations and give them a chance to succeed in life. Lee and Beulah Moor wanted to make a difference. A successful businessman, Mr. Moor left a living legacy of his belief in helping others by establishing a trust for the proposed children’s home, which opened in December 1959.

Mr. Moor provided the initial 13 acres at 1100 East Cliff Drive as the site for the main residential campus. Finances for the buildings and programs are provided through a trust fund set up by Mr. Moor prior to his death. Additional financial support comes from private donations and public funding, and, when possible, from reimbursements from families served, based on a sliding scale.


Large Campus Dedicated To Helping El Paso Families and Children In Crisis

The main residential campus includes administration offices, residential cottages, a gymnasium, a library and learning center, several nearby group homes, and a support services building. The Home also has a recreational camp nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains in Three Rivers, New Mexico. A gift from the late Charles Leavell, the camp has three group cabins, a large cabin with a meeting/dining area, a shower house, and a low and high ropes course. Its spectacular views of White Sands National Park and the Tularosa Basin and access to untouched wilderness make it an ideal environment for a variety of exciting activities designed to allow children to explore interpersonal and group dynamics. Whether backpacking the pine- and aspen-shaded trails of the 12,000-foot White Mountains, rock climbing, or experiencing our world-class ropes course, our youth experience satisfaction in discovering their hidden abilities and strengths at Camp Leavell.